My problem was this one :
"I need to display on a specific page the default view of a list, BUT beside each items of this list must be displayed a checkbox in order to be able to select items on this list"
The solution I chose was to recreate a clone of the defaultview that will never be displayed to the users but that will be selected as SPView of the ListView I create on my page.
Here we go...
1/ My Page takes in parameter the ID of the list I'm working on, i call the parameter "List":
Guid ListId = new Guid(this.Page.Request["List"]);2/ Then whenever I reach the page, i check whether the view already exists, if not i create it cloning the default view and adding to it a checbox field. If the clone of the actual defaultview exists i just use it! Easy! In my code below, the listview object is called Select_List
bool creatingView = false;
SPView newView = null;
using (SPSite Mysite = new SPSite(siteID))
SPWeb MyWeb = Mysite.OpenWeb(webID);
MyWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList MyList = MyWeb.Lists[ListId];
foreach (SPView view in MyList.Views)
if (view.Title.Equals(MyList.DefaultView.Title+ "_CloneForSelect"))
newView = view;
if (newView == null)
if (!MyList.Fields.ContainsField("Select"))
MyList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type=\"Computed\" ReadOnly=\"TRUE\" Name=\"ListItemSelection\" DisplayName=\"Select\" Sortable=\"FALSE\" Filterable=\"FALSE\" EnableLookup=\"FALSE\" SourceID=\"\" StaticName=\"ListItemSelection\">" +"<FieldRefs> <FieldRef Name=\"ID\" /> </FieldRefs>" + "<DisplayPattern> <HTML><![CDATA[<input id=\"chk_select]]></HTML><Column Name=\"ID\" HTMLEncode=\"TRUE\" /><HTML><![CDATA[\" name=\"chk_select\" type=\"checkbox\" ]]></HTML>" + "<HTML><![CDATA[LItemId=\"]]></HTML>" + "<Column Name=\"ID\" HTMLEncode=\"TRUE\" />" + "<HTML><![CDATA[\"/> ]]></HTML>" + "</DisplayPattern></Field>");
SPFieldComputed fieldComp = (SPFieldComputed)MyList.Fields["Select"];
newView = MyList.DefaultView.Clone(MyList.DefaultView.Title + "_CloneForSelect", 1000, true, false);
newView.Hidden = true;
newView.Scope = SPViewScope.FilesOnly;
creatingView = true;
if (!creatingView)
Select_List.ViewId = newView.ID.ToString();
Select_List.ListId = this.Page.Request["List"];
1/ How to create a column Checkbox in a list?
It's quite tricky cause you must create the column using a CAML definition.
if (!MyList.Fields.ContainsField("Select"))
MyList.Fields.AddFieldAsXml("<Field Type=\"Computed\" ReadOnly=\"TRUE\" Name=\"ListItemSelection\" DisplayName=\"Select\" Sortable=\"FALSE\" Filterable=\"FALSE\" EnableLookup=\"FALSE\" SourceID=\"\" StaticName=\"ListItemSelection\">" +"<FieldRefs> <FieldRef Name=\"ID\" /> </FieldRefs>" +
"<DisplayPattern> <HTML><![CDATA[<input id=\"chk_select]]></HTML><Column Name=\"ID\" HTMLEncode=\"TRUE\" /><HTML><![CDATA[\"
name=\"chk_select\" type=\"checkbox\" ]]></HTML>" +
"<HTML><![CDATA[LItemId=\"]]></HTML>" +
"<Column Name=\"ID\" HTMLEncode=\"TRUE\" />" +
"<HTML><![CDATA[\"/> ]]></HTML>" + "</DisplayPattern></Field>");
2/ OK, but now, i have the display How do I get my checkboxes values after postback ?
Well, let's continue to be tricky!! I just create two Hidden field on my page
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" id="listSrv_items" />
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" id="checked_ids" />
<asp:Button ID="Btn_valid" OnClientClick="fill_ids();" OnClick="Btn_valid_Click" runat="server"/>
here we go for the js that i manually add to the page in the render method:
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
this.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyScript", @"
function fill_ids()
var items= document.getElementById('" + listSrv_items.ClientID + @"').value;
var checkedIds= document.getElementById('" + checked_ids.ClientID + @"');
var SParray = items.split(';');
for (ix=0; ix< SParray.length-1; ix++)
var item = document.getElementById(""chk_select""+SParray[ix])
if (item!=null && item.checked)
checkedIds.value += SParray[ix] + ';';
if (checkedIds.value.length>0)
checkedIds.value = checkedIds.value.substr(0,checkedIds.value.length-1);
listSrv_items.Value = "";
foreach (SPListItem item in _rootList.Items)
listSrv_items.Value += item.ID + ";";
Could you please change the background color in your code section?